Category Archives: Contra Costa County Bail Bonds

Contra Costa County Bail Bonds – Your Greatest Ally

When your loved one is in jail, it probably seems like you can only count on a few friends and family members to help get him or her out of jail. Everyone else wants to see them out of jail, but they will not or cannot contribute much effort. However, you can rely on some […]

UCLA Shooting – Please Know The Gun Laws Of California

As you are aware, just a few weeks ago, a murder-suicide shook the UCLA community. A student shot his professor before turning the gun on himself. Over the course of the investigation, the police found additional weapons in the suspect’s car and home, and also found another victim in his home. The suspect had planned […]

Who You Can Call When You Are Arrested

Getting arrested is a very scary thing for the person actually getting arrested, but as long as they know who they can call and rely on for help, they will be okay. These people include Mom and Dad and best friends. This close group of people will be able to calm you down, and reassure […]

Calm Down, You Know What To Do

Question: How do I know I found the right bail bond company? Answer: Do research. Do not just commit to the first company you come across. Ask what they will charge you and how long it will take to get your loved one out of jail, and importantly, look at reviews on the company. Compare […]

Looking Back: Your Arrest Makes A Good Story

If you really want an exciting and entertaining story to tell your friends, you can tell them about the day you got arrested. Your day started out well. Then something happened and before you knew it, you were sitting in the back of a cop car on your way to jail. Hours passed. More hours […]

Do Not Blow Up Your 4th Of July Weekend

You know how when a person is told they cannot do something or they cannot have something, it makes them want to do it or have it even more? It applies to fireworks too. They look extremely fun to set off and we are sure they are, for the licensed professionals. However, they are also […]

False Arrests And False Imprisonments

Everyone makes mistakes, and some are bigger than others. False arrests and false imprisonments are some of those huge mistakes and they are heartbreaking to hear. I think everyone can agree that we want to reduce the number of false arrests and imprisonments and reverse as many of those mistakes as possible. Anyone falsely arrested […]

Do Not Be Afraid Of Contra Costa County Bail Bonds

Do Not Be Afraid Of A Checkpoint

There is a good chance you, or someone you know, will come across a DUI checkpoint sometime in your life, and that time may be during 4th of July Weekend. Unless you are driving while under the influence, have a gun, or are running away from just committing a crime, you have nothing to worry […]

Fireworks For The Big Boys

It should be pretty apparent that playing with fireworks can be dangerous and there are rules that apply to doing so. We are not talking about the rules Mom and Dad have instilled into your brain years ago when you were a young child playing with fireworks “Don’t touch the spark!” “Don’t light it inside […]

How To Cope When Your Loved One Is In Jail

Learning that your loved one is in jail may be the second greatest heartbreak ever. However, your heartbreak will not have to last a lifetime. What is the best way to cope and mend the broken heart? Getting a bail bond from Contra Costa County Bail Bonds. A bail agent from Contra Costa County Bail […]

Bail Bond Eligibility

Bail bonds gets people out of jail. But they do not get everyone out of jail. Here are the requirements to being eligible for a bail bond. You need to be 18 years old or older. Bail bonds are not available to any arrestee who is 17 or younger because these juveniles are not offered […]

You Will Want Contra Costa County Bail Bonds After Reading This

If you are reading this, it is probably because you have a loved one in jail and it is up to you to figure out the fastest, safest way to get him or her out of jail. Well hopefully, by the end of this post, you will not have to read anything else. We hope […]

Prepping For The 4th Of July

Prepping for your 4th of July celebration takes more effort than you think. You have already planned who you are hanging out with, where you will be, and what you are grubbing on, but do not forget about: Planning Transportation – Do not drink and drive. Use Uber, Lyft, or designate a sober driver. Remember, […]

Barbecue Safety Tips

Everyone loves a good barbecue party, and no one likes disastrous aftermath. To avoid the latter from happening, please review the most current barbecuing codes and laws for your area. Codes and laws may differ from city-to-city or county-to-county. Here are some things you might want to consider: Are you allowed to barbecue on your […]

What To Know About Bail Bond Co-Signing

Being a bail bond co-signer requires a lot of responsibility, but even more, trust. Many bail bonds require a co-signer. So, what does this job entail? Here are our answers to the most common bail bond co-signer related questions we receive. Who can be a co-signer? Anyone who the defendant can get to be a […]

What Fireworks Are And Are Not Legal In California

Every year, there are incidents where fireworks are improperly handled and some people end up in the hospital with a serious injury or worse, someone dies. These are reminders as to why dangerous fireworks are illegal for Californians for their own celebrations. Only professionals with a license are allowed to set them off. And with […]

What Kind Of Bail Will Get My Loved One Out Of Jail?

“Help! My loved one is in jail and I want to bail him or her out of jail ASAP, but what type of bail bond do I need? There are all these different kinds!” Contra Costa County Bail Bonds is here to help break it down for you with the quickest, simplest description because we […]

Common Bail Bond Incidents

People get arrested for all kinds of crimes ranging from harmless to serious. Our team at Contra Costa County Bail Bonds has really seen it all over 29 years of experience. Bail bond cases are never without stress and emotion, but trust us when we say, it certainly goes from worse to better with our […]

Which Is Better: Federal Or State Court?

If you have noticed, there is a Federal Court System that is separate and different than a State Court System. Do you know what the differences are? Do you know who will hear your loved one’s criminal case? Do you know how to prepare and what to expect? Here’s a quick breakdown of the 2 […]