Category Archives: Richmond Bail Bonds

How Can A Person Be Eligible For Own Recognizance Release?

You can consider being granted “own recognizance” release as the sincerest form of flattery when it comes to bail. This is a no-cost bail where a judge will allow a defendant to be released from jail by signing a written promise to attend any and all court appointments. The defendant does not have to pay […]

Not Everything You Hear About Bail And Bail Bond Store Is True

You don’t expect to have to pay for bail one day, so at Contra Costa Bail Bond Store Services don’t expect you to know all the details about bail and bail bonds. But now that you have come to us for help, we will make sure you know exactly what to expect and what is […]

What TV Doesn’t Show About Bail Bond Store

We all know that TV shows and movies rarely show “the full truth, and nothing but the truth” when it comes to portraying real life, daily situations. Some details are left out, some are exaggerated. This is to glorify a situation to make it juicier and more entertaining, as well as allow the entire episode […]

Bail Your VIP Out Of Jail Today With Help From Danville Bail Bond Store

Everyone has important people in their life that they would do anything for. When one of these people gets arrested, you immediately begin trying to get your VIP out of jail. Everyone wants to protect the people closest to them and at Danville Bail Bond Store we want to help you bail out the important […]

Concord Bail Bond Store Have The Most Experience In Making Bail Bond Store Easy For You

There are hundreds of bail bonds companies out there, and each one has a different, complicated way of bailing people out of jail. They may need to talk to you in person to get the bail started or negotiate a price. Some may have lengthy and confusing contracts for you to sign. At Concord Bail […]

Do Not Let Your Friend’s Summer Be Ruined By Getting Arrested

If someone you know and care about was recently arrested, give him a helping hand by bailing him out of jail. No one wants to spend time in jail, especially during the summer when you and your friends should be out having fun. However, thousands of people are arrested daily in California and not one […]

What You Might Not, But Should, Know About Bail And Bonds

Only a judge can set, raise, and lower bail amounts. No bail agent, lawyer, jury, or other party can change the bail amount. The judge can consider a petition, but he or she may not grant a change. Posting bail bonds can be paid off through a variety of methods, from cash to checks to […]

Texting And Driving In California – What Can And Can’t I Do?

By now, you know that texting and driving is a no-no in California. That’s how we generally understand this law – texting and driving. But this law actually extends beyond text messaging. Here is what else you cannot do, and what you can do, on your phone while you are driving. While driving, you may […]

Contra Costa Bail Bond StoreIs Ahead Of The Industry

You’d think that companies who have been in business for a very long time will know how best to treat their clients and meet their expectations and goals, huh? Well, sometimes, that’s not always true. Some companies are “out-of-date” and not up to speed with current trends, technology, and the very fact that time is […]

Tips For A Successful Labor Day Weekend

We are fast approaching our next extended Summer holiday weekend – Labor Day Weekend – and we’re confident there will be no shortage of men and women making sure they have a great weekend. From barbecuing to drinking to partying in the pool or at the beach, we’re here to give you a few friendly […]

Get The Bail Help You Need To Rescue A Friend From Jail At Yuba County Bail Bond Store

Do not let your friend’s summer be ruined by sittin in jail after being arrested. If someone you know and care about was recently arrested, give him a helping hand by bailing him out of jail. No one wants to spend time in jail, especially during the summer when he should be out having fun. […]

Help Your Friend And Bail Him/Her Out Of Jail Today By Calling Walnut Creek Bail Bond Store

If you somehow find yourself behind bars, wouldn’t you want someone to come to your rescue and bail you out of jail? Imagine if someone you care about found themself in jail, wouldn’t they feel the same way? Help your friend get out of jail by talking with one of our bail agents at Walnut […]

San Ramon Bail Bond Store – We Are Committed To Helping You

A lot of bail bonds companies try to provide their clients with great service, and end up falling short. Some of these companies fall far enough that they have more complaints about them than they have years of being in business. San Ramon Bail Bond Store has been in business for nearly 30 years and […]

You Have The Right To Review Your Criminal Record

You have the right to have a copy of your criminal record, if you so wish. You may want to see this to review accuracy and completeness of it. In order to get a copy, you will need to pay a $25 processing fee to the Department of Justice. You will also need to submit […]

A Family Member Has Been Arrested And I’m Concerned, Stressed And Confused. What Can I Expect In The Legal Process?

The family member is arrested and charged with a crime. The District Attorney (DA) will review the case and decide whether or not to file charges. If the DA decides not to move forward with charging the individual with a crime, the case is dismissed and he or she is free to go home. If […]

Your Criminal History Isn’t In Your Child’s Best Interests, But Don’t Give Up Just Yet

As you probably know, a criminal history can affect your parental rights over your child. The judge always has the child’s best interests and safety at heart. A judge will look at the offense, how old you were at the time, what your sentence was, how long ago the crime was committed, and how you’ve […]

What Getting Arrested Means For Your Future

As far as you know it, getting arrested means that your life is pretty much over. You’re going to be kicked out of school and/or fired from your job. You won’t get another career-focused job. You won’t get a loan, or an apartment. Your relationships with friends, family, and lovers will be ruined. This is […]

Don’t Be Afraid Of Contra Costa Bail Agents – We Know Exactly How To Help You!

Being a bail bondsman at Contra Costa Bail Bond Store Services is much like being any other professional businessman or woman. This is a real job that requires annual training, a license and certification, and excellent customer service skills. Our bail agents aren’t your image of a mobster or club bouncer. They don’t wear dark […]

Get Your Loved One Out Of Jail Immediately With Placer County Bail Bond Store

When a friend or family member has run into trouble with the law and found themselves behind bars, you will want to help them. You want your love one to be bailed out of jail yesterday. A lot of bail bonds companies claim to be the fastest but fail to deliver on those promises. Placer […]

Do Not Make Bail Bond Store Harder Than They Need To Be, Call Pittsburg Bail Bond Store

Just because your loved one was arrested does not mean you have to work yourself to death to rescue her. Bailing someone out of jail can be extremely difficult if you have to do it by yourself, but lucky for you there is Pittsburg Bail Bond Store. We will make bailing your loved one out […]