Tag Archives: antioch inmates location

Filing A Restraining Order

There is almost nothing more frightening than facing someone who refuses to leave you alone. What do you do when an ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend refuses to stop calling after a harsh breakup? What do you do when someone finds you online and begins showing up at your home or place of work? What do you […]

Who Determines Bail Prices?

Everyone grasps the concept that bail is expensive. While bail bonds can greatly reduce the cost, they still tend to cost a couple thousand dollars. This is the kind of money that most people do not have lying around, waiting to be spent. It makes you wonder, if everyone knows bail is super expensive, why […]

Can I Still Be Charged For A Crime 10 Years Later?

If you committed some sort of illegal action some years ago and continue to think about how you got away with it. If you worry that it is going to come back and haunt you one day, you should learn what ‘statute of limitations’ means. A Statute of Limitations refers to the time within which […]

Save Your Holiday Money With Antioch Bail Bond Store

The holidays have come and gone and it is a new year. You may have spent a great deal of money, but you also received some in return. Make it a resolution to not need to spend all of that newfound money on a somber situation like bail. Make it a resolution to stay out […]

Breaking Up With Bad Habits Is Hard To Do

Resolving to change your bad habits could sound like a silly resolution for 2017, but is it really? What kind of bad habits are you trying to break? What kind of trouble could you get into if you keep up with these bad habits? You can look at it this way; is it possible you […]

Parents Save The Day Once Again!

Growing up, we think Mom and Dad have all the answers to everything. When things get too hard, complicated, or confusing, we turn to them to guide us and take care of the difficult parts. To us, they are superheroes who save each and every day, even if we do not always realize it. When […]

Avoid These Mistakes When Posting Bail

When you’re getting out of jail on a bail bond, you want to make sure everything goes smoothly. You’ve hit enough bumps in your road to get where you are. Avoid these mistakes and your bail bond will post immediately with no trouble: Neglecting consequences of skipping bail.  You’re warned that if you don’t show […]

Antioch Bail Bond Store Is The Bail Company For You

If you need professional help bailing someone you care about out of jail, Antioch Bail Bond Store is the bail company for you. We have been helping people bail their loved ones out jail for nearly 30 years so we have plenty of experience. We can help you bail your friend or family member out […]

What It Takes To Be A Bail Bond Store Co-Signer

If you get a call from someone in jail, it probably means he or she is seeking your help to bail him or her out. They are desperate and remorseful for their actions, ready to face consequences, and will be so grateful for you to support them, even if you are angry and disappointed. The […]