Having a criminal record is not exactly a good thing, however, having a criminal record is not the worst thing ever. Though it may be a little weight to carry, your criminal record will not ruin your life. Have you ever considered that someone you know, whether your neighbor, coworker, or your child’s friend’s parent, […]
Tag Archives: bail bonds near me contra costa
Every January 1st, a whole bunch of new laws go into effect in California. The new laws this year include the following: Minimum Wage: Any business that employs 26 or more people will be raising their minimum wages to $10.50, up $0.50 per hour. By 2022, it will be $15. Gun Laws: Anyone who previously […]
You might have thought the talk of elections and voting had ceased for a while, but January 1, 2017 saw the start of a handful of new voting-related laws in California. We at Contra Costa County Bail Bonds would like to inform you. Here they are: Californians with low-level felony convictions now have the right […]
We will not ask what your stance is on guns, gun laws, and gun ownership, but we do ask that you learn about it, and comply with the new gun laws in California. These laws went into effect January 1, 2017: Gun Loans Loaning guns to others is mostly illegal now, with the exception of […]
Rainy days are still ahead California, whether you are in Northern California where rainfall is more abundant, or you are in Southern California where it happens less often. Driving habits need to be changed when it is raining versus when it is a dry day to ensure road safety. Contra Costa County Bail Bonds wants […]
Dealing with an arrest is an incredibly stressful and tense time, not just for the individual, but for their loved ones as well. There will be some bickering, but mostly figuring out how to get through this situation together. Multiple parties will be involved in some way or another: the defendant, a bail bond company […]
It is not January 1 anymore, but you can still come up with some 2017 resolutions. It is never too late to set goals and commit to them. Whether it is something you try every year, like eating better and working out more, or something that is quite the challenge, like breaking bad habits and […]
Would you be surprised if we told you that California has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the United States? Gun control is always a hot subject, and it is one that will never please 100% of the people. The best you can do is educate yourself on the current gun laws in […]
Believe it or not, the defendant in jail is not the only person who benefits from posting bail with a bail bond. Immediate Family – They get to have their loved one back home. No more jail visits and empty seats at the dinner table. Employers – The defendant can return to work and earning […]
The role of a co-signer is to provide their legal obligation to be financially responsible for another person’s dues if that person fails to make good on those dues. Having a co-signer for a legal purpose allows more room and flexibility for the first person to make adjustments and meet more ideal goals. For example, […]
In California, where people are arrested for various crimes, there are plenty of support systems for these people. Not only do defendants have their family and friends rooting for them, but defendants also have lawyers, coworkers, and even bail agents on their side. Contra Costa County Bail Bonds is one of California’s top bail bond […]
Pre-Arrest Questioning Since no one is being arrested, no Miranda warning is given. Post-Arrest Questioning The police read the arrestee their Miranda Rights; the right to remain silent and the right to a lawyer. These rights are to benefit the defendant, to protect him or herself, although they may waive these rights if they so […]
Do you know how happy your loved one will be if you bail him or her out of jail? As you can imagine, nobody likes to spend time in jail, and so everybody wants to be bailed out. The problem is, bail can be so expensive. Most people do not have the kind of money […]
Whenever something is called a process, people automatically assume it is going to take a long time. Things that can be done quickly, do not typically have a process. However, there are some exceptions to that rule. One such exception would be the bail bond process. With the right bail agent, you can have your […]
Are you wondering how far bail agents will be able to help you bail out a loved one? Maybe you have a loved one you are trying to bail out, but he or she is on the other side of the state from you. Will a local bail agent need to help you, or will […]
Bail can be extremely expensive, everyone knows that. However, most people do not realize that there are a few different ways to reduce the cost of the bail. The most effective way to save money when bailing a loved one out of jail is to get a bail bond. You can get one by talking […]
Everyone has questions about a lot of different things, and in this day and age, the internet proves to be invaluable. You can find the answers to so many different questions. However, there is a problem of credibility. How well can you trust what people put online? You never know if the person writing an […]
We are about to say goodbye to 2016, and welcome the New Year very soon. Reflecting on 2016, was it good? What were the low points of the year and how did you overcome those situations? How can you prevent them from occurring again in 2017? What do you need to take care of before […]
Anyone who is in need of a bail bond is most likely going to be frantic and stressed. In all likelihood, they will not know all the details about bail bonds or what to expect. Due to this lack of understanding about bail bonds, there are a bunch of myths out there that surround the […]
As much as we wish we could provide you with all the necessary services throughout your loved one’s arrest, we cannot. We are very good at our jobs as bail bond professionals, but beyond that scope of work, we cannot help you because we are not legally allowed to. Contra Costa County Bail Bonds is […]