Tag Archives: best bail bonds el sobrante

Cinco de Mayo Celebrations

Cinco de Mayo means a lot of people are gearing up to celebrate the holiday with family, friends, and lots of drinking. In Mexico, Cinco de Mayo is a celebration of the Mexican Army’s surprise victory of the French Forces at the Battle of Puebla. In America, the holiday has come to represent the celebration […]

Police Rely On Social Media

Because social media is such a huge part of social culture now, police departments are ramping up units and departments who are dedicated solely to scouring social media for dangers. Social media is where individuals, organizations, and companies, share their personal lives and thoughts. It is a major means of communication. It is meant to […]

Mini Celebrations: Relief For An Arrest Situation

Breaking up a long, stressful situation with small celebrations can be very helpful in alleviating pain and the stress, but the celebrations should only go so far. Say your loved one has been arrested, just think about how long it is going to be until this whole thing blows over. Think about the stress and […]

Do Ask For Help

No matter what age their children are, parents will never fully let go of them. They are always going to be there for their children someway, somehow. It is that parental instinct to protect and help, and during the worst of the worst situations, them “being there,” will be no different. If you are ever […]

Handling Arrests With Grace

No matter who you are, know this: you are a role model for someone out there, whether it is your child, friend, sibling, parent, or even a stranger. Someone is looking up to you. You do not have to be the older person to be the role model, you can be a role model to […]