Tag Archives: brentwood bail information

What Is Jordan’s Law?

Seeing a video of any sort of crime or attack on the internet is happening more and more frequently. Most of the times, the video was taken without the wrongdoer’s knowing. The video will gain popularity if it depicts the wrongdoer messing up in some hilarious way. The other portion of crime related videos going […]

What Happens If You Fail To Pay Your Child Support

The consequences of failing to make your court-mandated child support payments run deep. The matter is taken very seriously. Consequences include: Arrest Fines Being in contempt of court Denial of tax refunds Wage garnishment – When the court orders your employer to withhold a certain amount of your paycheck and send it directly to the […]

What Collateral Is Acceptable For Bail Bonds?

When looking into getting a bail bond, you might come across the term collateral and wonder what it means. Companies use collateral like insurance. If the defendant is compliant with all the terms of the bail bond, then the collateral is returned back to the original owner. If the defendant fails to make payments on […]

Didn’t Win Powerball? That’s Okay – Brentwood Bail Bond Store Will Help You Afford Bail

With all the excitement surrounding last month’s $1.6 billion Powerball draw, we decided to dig our toes and find some interesting facts about the lottery – and the proper ways to play. The Powerball lottery is only played in 44 states. Hawaii, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, Alaska, Mississippi and Alabama do not participate. However, this does […]

Let Us Take Care Of Your Family At Brentwood Bail Bond Store

You trust can trust your friends or family to be there for you when you need them and they can count on you. If someone you care about gets arrested, you can count on Brentwood Bail Bond Store to be there for you. We help hundreds of people bail their loved ones out of jail […]

Our Bail Agents Will Always Be There For You

When a loved one gets arrested, you want someone who you can rely on to be there for you. Someone to help you get your loved one out of jail quickly and for a reasonable price. You want to find someone you can trust. Lucky for you, there is Brentwood Bail Bond Store to provide […]

Why Violent Crime In Hollywood Has Increased In The Last Year

A recent study has shown that violent crime in Hollywood, California has increased by 21% in the last year. Hollywood is glitz and glamour. The population is growing as are the number of bars and clubs. Sure, many crimes develop from drunk people emerging from these hotspots, but these are not the only direct cause […]

Affordable Bail Help Is Just A Phone Call Away At Brentwood Bail Bond Store

When you are really close to someone and that person gets arrested, you will do whatever you can to get him or her out of jail at any cost. However, you do not need to break your bank account to rescue the person you care most about, not if you use Brentwood Bail Bond Store. […]

Brentwood Bail Bond Store Have More Experience Helping People With Bail Than Any Other Bail Companies

Every day, thousands of people are arrested in California and many of them stay in jail longer than they have to. Everyone has the right to bail themselves out, let Brentwood Bail Bond Store help you express that right. We have more experience with helping people than any other bail bonds company in the state. […]

Brentwood Bail Bond Store – We Make Your Loved One’s Bail Affordable

Just because your loved one’s bail is super expensive, does not mean you cannot bail her out of jail. Some bail bonds companies may make you think that if you cannot afford your services, but that is not the case. You have just been looking at the wrong bail bonds companies. Do not let bad […]

The Law Doesn’t Sleep And Neither Do We At Brentwood Bail Bond Store

It’s nearly 4AM and you’re rudely awaked by a phone call. On the other line is your sister, calling from jail. She was pulled over just a little while earlier and she blew a .10 BAC. She was on her way home from a club where she had a few too many drinks. Now you’re […]

What you need is reliable, no nonsense help – and Brentwood Bail Bond Store Services can give you that

Bailing someone out of jail is serious. There is no room for jokes, errors, or any further misjudgment. You want your friend or family member to get out of jail as soon as possible, but you also need to understand the steps to do so, and what to expect between now and the very end […]