Tag Archives: contra costa bail agents

Different Kinds Of Trespassing That Can Get You In Trouble

There is a reason for that “Do Not Enter” sign posted on the fence. Whether it is a protected natural habitat, a private property or a hazardous location, you should always obey the sign. Even if the area you are trying to reach consistently has visitors trespassing with little to no interruption from the police, […]

California’s New Smoking Law: Smoking One Day, Being Denied The Next

As teens, we looked forward to turning 16 because it is sweet, 18 because we become adults and can vote and purchase cigarettes, and 21 because we can drink. However, with a new law just about ready to make its rule known, there will be some change here, with one less thing to look forward […]

Budgeting Your Money The Right Way

Dividing paychecks is something everyone should learn how to do when they become adults. Schools should really consider teaching this to all students, no matter what they major in, because it is extremely helpful. Knowing how you spend every dollar of your income allows you to live comfortably and may just save you in times […]

Celebrities Do Not Get Special Treatment

When you are on social media, you are putting your life up for others to see. For most people, we generally do not think anyone outside of our small circle of friends and family will see our content. For celebrities however, millions of people are watching. Celebrity status can be nice and all, but there […]

Contra Costa County Bail Bonds Answering Contact Sports

The NBA Finals are here and things are getting intense and even personal among fans. This beloved game gets fans anxious and excited, but they can easily get riled too. Basketball is quite the contact sport these days, but the contact should only remain among the players and never the fans. We are all too […]

How To Spend Summer In Jail

Spending time in jail is totally on your to-do list this summer, isn’t it? You can’t wait for your moment. Everything is so unexpected that it excites you and makes you nervous. Looking for the best, most memorable road to jail? Keep on reading! Drinking and Driving We all like to think we’re pretty invincible […]

The Bail Bond Red Carpet

Celebrities live the good life, so why do so many of them end up getting arrested and charged with gun or drug possession, DUIs, or violence? The answer is because celebrities are still every day people just like you. They simply have more money and fame. While the glitz and glamour may seem really nice […]

How California Bail Works

For defendants, there is a price for freedom and that price can be very low, a few hundred dollars, extremely high, one million dollars, or anywhere in between. Freedom is what America is all about, so who gets to put a price on freedom for defendants? And how is that amount determined for each person? […]

Want To Know If There Is A Warrant For Your Arrest?

The police often put out arrest warrants where the suspect may not immediately know they are wanted. Situations like these happens when a person has many unpaid traffic tickets, or they defaced a national park tree or rock by carving into it because many people tend to forget this is illegal. People not knowing there […]

When Bail Bonds Really Matter

Understanding bail and bail bonds is probably one of the last things on your mind. It’s not like you are saving up money throughout your years specifically for bail. But that unexpected call happens even to the best people, and suddenly they are scrambling trying to figure out how to bail their loved one out […]

Things You Should and Should Not Do In the Presence Of The Police

Being on your best behavior should be obvious when you are in the presence of a police officer. If you do not have anything to hide, you do not want to give the police any reason to stare at you longer than a quick glance. When you are the actual subject of police officers, when […]

In Case Of Emergency, Call Contra Costa County Bail Bonds

You know how in your phone you can set up In Case of Emergency (ICE) contacts? You have probably got Mom, Dad, and a couple of close friends in there. However, if you are someone who gets into a lot of trouble, or someone very close to you faces frequent legal problems, you might consider […]

Bail Bond Truths Revealed By Debunking Common Myths

A lot of what people understand about the bail bond industry, before ever finding out they will need a bail bond, is what they see on television. Even then, what they learn from television about bail bonds is very little, and certainly not the whole picture. We are here to spill some truths by debunking […]

Superheroes Unite At Contra Costa County Bail Bonds

Superheroes really do exist outside of comic books, television shows, and movies. As you might expect, they are hiding in plain sight. We are not talking about your protective parents or your best friend who covers for you. We are talking about your neighbor, the person on the elliptical machine next to yours at the […]

What Does Love Have To Do With Bail Bonds?

As cheesy as it sounds, love is the most valuable quality to understand. Love has some pretty incredible powers, including the power to overcome some of the worst scenarios, like being arrested. Here is what we mean: You have just been arrested for a crime. Now you are sitting in jail waiting, waiting, and waiting. […]

Contra Costa County Bail Bonds Will Be Your Savior

Contra Costa County Bail Bonds can be the savior you never knew you had on your side until now. If there is anyone who can get you or your loved one out of jail, it is the Contra Costa County Bail Bonds team. You may not be able to rely on many people to do […]

Jail Or Bail – How Hard Is The Decision?

Once you have been arrested, you have 2 choices: jail or Contra Costa County Bail Bonds. Picking the right choice should be a no-brainer: JAIL Jail is overcrowded with other recently arrested individuals and individuals serving a short-term sentence following their arrest. Some of these people will be dangerous and intimidating criminals. There is little […]

Contra Costa County Bail Bonds Protects Your Rights

One might think that someone who is arrested for breaking the law and committing a crime is automatically stripped of their rights. It seems fairly logical – proper punishment, right? Wrong. People who have broken the law and gotten arrested may lose some rights, but not all. They still have rights, which they can use […]

Bye Bye, Vacation – Bail Comes First

Spring is springing and that means travelers are traveling! All kinds of destinations are calling our names, but sometimes, travel plans are rudely interrupted. An untimely arrest befalls a person and suddenly, they have to craft their immediate future around this legal case. Now, some people who bail out of jail will be allowed to […]

Do Not Be Afraid To Ask Your Parents For Help

Turning 18 is a big deal because you officially become an adult. That means you can buy lotto tickets and cigarettes and you do not have to listen to all your parents’ orders. However, turning 18 and making your own decisions means you, not your parents, are responsible for your own actions now and you […]