Tag Archives: contra costa bail bond company

About The New California Cell Phone Use & Driving Laws

New California laws banning the use of cellphones while driving have officially been put into place starting January 1, 2017. While such laws have already existed in California for some time now, the new laws expand on existing ones. The existing ones are outdated, having begun when smart phones were less advanced than today, and […]

Do You Want To Show Your Loved One You Care?

Everyone likes to know that someone is out there watching out for them. This is definitely true when that person has been arrested and is sitting behind bars. Your friend or family member would be happy to know that you care. You can truly show you care by trying to bail him or her out […]

What Determines Own Recognizance Release

Not all who are arrested are given the opportunity to be released on own recognizance, which is when a defendant signs formal papers promising to show up for court, then is released from jail. Most defendants are granted bail, meaning they have to pay money to the court in order to be released from jail. […]

Juvenile Vs. Adult Proceedings

There are different proceedings, rights, and consequences for someone 17 or younger who gets arrested versus someone 18 or older who is arrested. In most states, anyone 17 or younger is called a juvenile and when they turn 18, they are called an adult. The differences are due to the fact that juveniles have less […]

Understanding Rights In Detention Vs. Arrest

Understanding the differences between being detained and being arrested by the police is important since a person’s rights are different in each case. Here is what you want to know: Detention To be detained, the police will have reasonable suspicion to stop and question you. That person is allowed to leave after that short period […]

What To Do & What Not To Do When Cops Are Around

When we are calm, we always know what to say and do when we imagine a hypothetical situation. However, when that situation is actually happening and we are caught in the middle of it, it is so easy to forget those steps. We panic and make rash decisions. Sometimes we lose our cool, but we […]

A Bad Start To 2017 Will Not Ruin The Whole Year

Getting 2017 off to a bad start is not an indication that the rest of the year will go just as wrong. Sure, getting arrested was not how you imagined starting the New Year, but it happened and now you are going to have to deal with the situation and consequences. Thankfully, you are not […]

New Year’s DUI Checkpoints

New Year’s is one of the top 3 times of the year where alcohol is consumed, and it is also one of the top times of the year that people will be out and about. Not surprisingly, the police will also be out and on duty, keeping a watchful eye for those who are driving […]

Post Bail In Time To Greet 2017!

Being in jail for the countdown to 2017 is quite a story, but honestly, no one wants to have that story. It may be too late to avoid the whole arrest thing, but it is not too late to bail out of jail and spend New Year’s with loved ones. Just ask Contra Costa County […]

Support New Year’s Resolutions By Posting Bail

New Years is the best time of the year for everyone to begin the fresh start they have been waiting for. The phrase; “new year, new me” is definitely cliché, but nonetheless true to all. This is the time to reflect on our past year, and to set goals on how we can make the […]

The Safe Way To New Year’s

You have probably got New Year’s Eve plans and you were probably invited to multiple parties. Whether you are going to one or many parties, we kindly urge you to not drive yourself. New Year’s Eve is perhaps one of the top 3 days where alcohol is consumed. We want to make sure you have […]

The Best Way To Get Your Loved One Out Of Jail

If you have a friend or family member who was recently arrested, you are probably trying to figure out what to do. You want to help your loved one, but you have no idea on how to do that. What you want to do, is bail him or her out of jail with help from […]

Do You Know The Difference?

In the bail bond industry, there are many questions that we are asked on a daily basis. One that concerns a lot of people, is: what is better for bailing out my loved one, a bail bondsman or a bail agent? We get this question quite a lot at Contra Costa County Bail Bonds, so […]

Why Do Some Companies Need Collateral?

Sometime when you are paying for a large bail bond, some bail bond companies require their clients to put something up as collateral. This can be very inconvenient and discouraging for some people, which will prevent them from even trying to bail their loved one out of jail. For those who may not know, collateral […]

Did You Know There Is Still Time?

Do you realize that there is still time to get your loved one out of jail in time for New Year’s Eve celebration? The bail bond process is really short and simple. With a good bail agent, like the ones you can be find at Contra Costa County Bail Bonds, your loved one can be […]

What Are My Options When Paying For A Bail Bond?

At a good bail bond company, like Contra Costa County Bail Bonds, you will have many options when you need to pay for your loved one’s bail. There are many bail bond companies out there and each one is a little different. The best ones will accept a number of different payment options in an […]

Do Not Let A Bad Day Ruin Your Entire Life

It is so easy to give good advice, but somehow it is difficult to take that same advice and apply it to our own lives. You tell a friend to not let one bad day ruin their entire life, but now you are having a bad day and cannot help but think it is going […]

The Best Gift Yet

During the holidays, people typically budget out their spending and plan a maximum on how much to spend on one person’s gift. Unless they are outrageously rich, those maximums will not reach the thousands. Plus, they want to be fair to family and friends and not spend way more on one sibling than the other. […]

What Is Bail And What Is A Bail Bond?

Bail bonds and bail can easily be mistaken as the same thing, especially to the many of those who do not know the legal process that well. Bail bonds and bail are related, but they are very different. Bail is the amount of money a defendant will have to owe court in order to be […]

Your Criminal Record Is Just A Record

Having a criminal record does not mean your life is over. It means that you have made some bad mistakes in the past. The fact that you are not in prison and are living at home instead means that you handled the situation responsibly and are ready to move on. You can move on even […]