Tag Archives: contra costa bail bond news

Believe It Or Not: Most Expensive Bail In U.S. History

If you’re curious to learn just how expensive bail can be, check out some of these real cases where bail has been set among the most expensive in United States history (and some of the most high-profile and media-covered cases): O.J. Simpson O.J. Simpson is most famously known being found not guilty in murdering his […]

The Cost of Keeping A Person In Jail

Can you guess how much it costs to keep a person in a California prison? $64,000 That’s $64,000 per person. This cost covers housing, feeding, and caring for the prisoner. And even though California prison populations are slowly declining (yet still overcrowded), the costs aren’t going down. In fact, they’re going up. California also spends […]

Keep Calm And Don’t Get Yourself Arrested Too

If you’re in a situation where the police are, at that moment, arresting your friend, do not give the police any reason to arrest you too. We understand that you are angered by the situation and want to help your friend out, and you’re probably verbally arguing with the cops. But be careful as to […]

Understanding The Statute Of Limitations

A statute of limitations is the time frame within which a person or party can file a lawsuit against another person or party for a crime. The time periods will vary depending on the crime that took place; the most heinous crimes like aggravated rape and murder have no statute of limitations. The clock for […]

The Steps To Bail – Simplified

If you get a call and learn that your loved one has been arrested, try not to freak out too much, okay? Your loved one is doing plenty of that (rightfully so) and for them, you need to remain as collected as possible. Understandably, you may not immediately know what to expect and what you […]

What Does A Bail Bond Cosigner Do?

Applying for a bail bond means you need to meet a few qualifications. For one, whoever the bail bond is for needs to have actually been granted bail by the judge; sometimes the judge will deny bail, meaning that person cannot get a bail bond. Another qualification is the need for a cosigner, a person, […]

Help, I Can’t Afford My Bail!

Bail is expensive and not many people can afford to pay it easily. Bail bonds are the more affordable alternative (at 10-15% of the bail cost) but even then, some people struggle trying to pay this and also make other ends meet. But, bail bonds don’t have to be paid off by only one person, […]

You Can Be The Role Model To Your Older Sibling

When you hear “age is nothing but a number,” you should really believe it. In the dating world, in the professional world and even within the family. A younger sibling won’t always have to be the more immature, irresponsible child in the family. He or she may in fact be the more well-rounded child, compared […]

The Pain Of Explaining Jail And Bail To Children

If you thought that explaining Santa isn’t real to your children was difficult, imagine having to explain to them that mommy or daddy was arrested and put in jail for doing something really bad, unable to come home for a certain number of hours or days. Young children in particular will not understand the concept […]

Don’t Give Up, Even If Your Loved One Has

When a loved one of yours is in jail, it can be very easy for them to give up on themselves. They’ve gotten themselves into a very tough situation and from behind bars, it’s hard to see any good coming in the near future. They’re angry, sad and feel defeated. So, it’s up to you […]

Jail Is No Place For Your Loved One

Dirty. Dark. Uncomfortable. Isolation. Dangerous. These are all terms that describe jail, where your loved one is right now. Yet, they shouldn’t have to be there. You can get them out of jail and back home to you where they are safe and surrounded by familiar friendly faces. You can remain protective over them this […]

Let Contra Costa Bail Bond StoreTake Some Weight Off Your Shoulders

Can we at Contra Costa Bail Bond Store Services give you a handful of things to worry less about? We know you’re going through a very difficult time right now with so many things to worry about regarding your loved one’s arrest. On top of that, you’ve got your own life to live and own […]

Do You Need Professional Help?

Sometimes, handling an issue by ourselves is not enough. Sometimes, getting help from friends or family is also not enough. It is these sometimes that you should seek professional help: a therapist, rehab, community support groups, a bail agent. These are the groups and individuals who can help you best because they are either trained […]

You Might Not Know You’re Breaking These California Traffic Laws

California has some pretty lax driving laws (California roll stop, lane splitting, going with the flow of traffic instead of the posted speed limit on freeways) but that doesn’t mean you won’t ever get a ticket for them, and that definitely doesn’t mean you should ignore the ticket and not pay it. Plus, all the […]

Can Someone Be Denied Bail?

Bail is offered for most criminals but in extreme cases, a judge will deny bail altogether for a criminal deemed too dangerous and crime too horrendous. For example, a man responsible for the awful death of a young 2 year old girl in Boston was denied bail. He was the boyfriend of the girl’s mother, […]

Contra Costa Bail Bond StoreWill Help You Regardless Of Income

Regardless of your income, you are highly encouraged to post bail. No one should have to sit in jail, which is why we at Contra Costa Bail Bond Store Services offer affordable alternatives for paying bail. Just to be clear, even if you can afford to pay 100% of your bail, you can still contact […]

DUI And Bail

Driving under the influence is a serious, dangerous crime. Literally paying for the consequences can be a huge financial loss: damaged property, loss of license, medical bills for yourself or another person, lawyers, and bail. Bail alone can be several hundred to several thousand dollars for a first offense. Bail increases if it is a […]

Remain Calm If You Are Stopped By Police

If you are stopped by the police, it is very important that you remain calm and cooperative. Even if you didn’t do anything wrong, you don’t want to give the police any reason to grow suspicious or worse, cuff you. Keep your hands where the officer can see them. Be respectful. If you wish not […]

Little-Known Benefits Of Bail Bond Store

Besides the obvious – getting out of jail – there are some other benefits to using a bail bond that you might not know about. Using bail bond benefits both the person the bail bond is for, and the public! You get to return to work. You’ll earn your income that allows you to live […]

Why You Cannot Miss Court When You’re Out On Bail

As you know, a bail bond gets you out of jail during the period of their trial on the condition that you promise to appear in court anytime you are requested. If you know ahead of time that there is a conflict with the court date and something in your schedule, you need to tell […]