Tag Archives: contra costa bail bonds

Are Door-to-Door Warrantless Searches Legal?

In 2013, during the aftermath that followed the bombing of the Boston Marathon, many Boston residents responded to knocks on their door. On the other side were angry and armed members of Boston’s SWAT team. They were engaged in a massive manhunt for the suspects and wanted to go through the homes and make sure […]

How To Handle Noisy Neighbors

Noisy neighbors can seriously lower your enjoyment of life, particularly when the noise happens late at night. If you’re in the middle of a noisy neighbor situation, here’s some tips that will help you gain some peace. Is The Noise Chronic? Truthfully, if the noise issue is just an occasional thing, your best course of […]

Enjoy Freedom Together

Bonnie and Clyde are the infamous couple of criminals. You don’t even need to know what they did wrong to know their names. Their names will forever be in our history books. It’s nearly impossible to say one name without thinking of the other. In their time period, it was normal for bank robberies to […]

Is Shoplifting A Felony?

If you know someone who recently got into trouble for shoplifting, you are probably very concerned about him or her. You wonder how much trouble a person can get into for shoplifting. How serious of an offense is it to steal something from a store or other place of business? Well, the answer to that […]

New Laws In California 2018

The New Year is rolling in with new laws for California. Sure, a person can now recreationally use marijuana legally in California, but what about the other laws? Every year new laws come into play January 1st. Typically these are laws that have been passed the previous year. At the beginning of the New Year, […]

Healthy Starts To The New Year

As we welcome in the New Year, we may feel that it is time for some changes. New year resolutions are typically the go to for some folks wanting to make a difference. Whether or not you’re committed to New Year’s Resolutions, or you just feel the need to make changes in your life, here […]

Punishments For Identity Theft

Identity theft is a very serious crime to commit because it can cause quite a big problem for the victim in multiple ways. It can cost them a lot of time, money and energy, to get things fixed and straightened out for themselves. Identity theft is when someone’s personal and sensitive identification information is used […]

Money-Saving Tips

Saving money is always a good idea, no matter what you are planning to spend it on. You could be saving for a vacation, a new car, a wedding, or even the future. It never hurts to be prepared. This way, you will not be caught off guard by an ill-timed emergency such as needing […]

New Immigration Laws Are 1 Step Closer To Passing

Members of the United States government are one step closer to cracking down on immigration policies, particularly directed at illegal immigrants and the cities who vow to protect them. These cities are known as sanctuary cities. Across the United States, there are somewhere around 300 cities, towns, and counties that have identified themselves as a […]

Responsibilities Of Being A Parent

Being a parent takes an incredible amount of responsibility, including legal responsibility. Until a child turns 18 and becomes a legal adult, their parents are responsible for them in many ways. This includes needing to pay for consequences should their child get into trouble, cause problems, and/or get arrested. The parents can hold their children […]

No More Suspended Licenses For Californians

Normally, when a driver amounts enough unpaid traffic and parking tickets, a judge will suspend that person’s license. If this person continues to drive while their license is suspended and has a run in with any law enforcement, he or she will be in big trouble. Driving on a suspended license can carry some hefty […]

Who Sets The High Bail Prices?

If you have ever needed to bail a friend or family member out of jail, you have probably seen how expensive it can be. Bailing someone out of jail probably made you wonder who determines the prices for bail and bail bonds. When people contact a bail bond company to help them bail their friend […]

About California’s Proposed “Jordan’s Law”

It is the digital age. This is a time when we rely on our cell phones and laptops to survive and get through each day. We live on social media to connect with friends, get invited to parties, and keep up to date on the latest news. If you ask older generations, who did not […]

Extending California’s Last Call From 2AM To 4AM

Just the other week it was announced that… the Senate passed a bill to extend last call for alcohol service from 2:00 AM to 4:00 AM. Now the bill is heading to the Assembly for consideration. One of the main pushes for the bill is its impact on the state’s nightlife culture and economy. By […]

Odd Alcohol Laws In California

Compared to other states, California is pretty generous when it comes to alcohol. You can buy it at practically any grocery, liquor and convenience store. You can even buy it at retailers like Target and Walmart. You can buy it at nearly any hour of the day, even on Sundays. Soon, last call could be […]

Knowing Weird Laws Can Be A Benefit

Who knew? In California, women may not drive in a housecoat or that no vehicle without a driver may exceed 60 miles per hour? We are not pulling your leg. These are real laws that are still written in California’s law books. They are not the only weird, odd, peculiar laws this state still has […]

You Can Be Charged With “Hit and Run” Even If It’s Not Your Fault

In California, you can be charged with a hit and run even if the accident was not your fault. If you are involved in an accident, you are required to give your contact information to the other driver before you leave, regardless if the accident was your fault or not. You can be charged with […]

The Dangers Of Prop 47

Nearly 3 years ago, in November of 2014, Californians voted to pass Proposition 47. Prop 47 re-categorized some non-violent crimes, making things that were once felonies, misdemeanors. The idea was to try to reduce the amount of prisoners in the state’s overpopulated prison system. The measure reduced the following non-violent crimes from felonies to misdemeanors: […]

Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

Most people would agree that sleep is an amazing thing. It helps us separate one day from the next, as well as helps us recharge from a long day of working. Unfortunately, as much as we love sleep, there are many people out there that do not get enough of it each night. These people […]

Do You Have A Noisy Neighbor?

Just about everybody has had to deal with a noisy neighbor at least once in their life, which is never fun. When we go home, we want to be able to rest and unwind from our day out in the world. We do not want to be bombarded by obnoxious sounds from our neighbors. This […]