Tag Archives: el sobrante bail bond news

Did You Know: The Police Need A Warrant To Search Your Cell Phone?

In the broadest answer as to whether the police need a warrant to search your cell phone in California, the answer is yes, they need a warrant unless you give your consent. Technically, the police cannot even look at the screen without a warrant, even if they press the button to turn it off. Cell […]

Do Ask For Help

No matter what age their children are, parents will never fully let go of them. They are always going to be there for their children someway, somehow. It is that parental instinct to protect and help, and during the worst of the worst situations, them “being there,” will be no different. If you are ever […]

Paying For A Bail Bond? That’s Not A Problem!

Budgeting money is something you should be doing regularly, and every time you get involved with something new you regularly need to pay for, you should re-visit your budgeting and make any necessary adjustments. So, you probably already allocate funds for rent, utilities, groceries, gas and a bit for personal and leisure spending. The rest […]