Author Archives: spiralmode

As Best Friend, Help Post Bail

You are at that point in your life now where we no longer want to be the type of best friend who gets into trouble with the other so you can sit together in jail. That was the adolescent you. Now, you should strive to be the type of best friend who is willing to […]

Consider Using Tax Returns For Bail

Why Concord Bail Bond Store?

Concord Bail Bond Store is a 30 year old California bail bond company. What we do is work with families and friends of jailed defendants, those who were recently arrested, and have yet to stand trial. Together, we bail those loved ones out of jail using bail bonds that are much more affordable than 100% […]

Out On Bail Will More Likely Appear For Court

Did you know that a person who is out on bail is more likely to show up for their court dates? One of the biggest reasons this is true is that their current release could not have happened if it were not for the bail bond co-signer and/or anyone who pledged collateral. If the defendant […]

Contra Costa County Bail Bonds Can Check If You Are A Wanted Criminal

Did you know that besides issuing bail bonds to defendants who are already in jail, Contra Costa County Bail Bonds can also conduct free, anonymous warrant searches for individuals who are not under arrest? If you are wondering if there is a warrant out for your arrest, or for a loved one of yours, you […]

Where Are Our Sanctuary Cities?

Though there is no formal legal definition of a “sanctuary city,” the United States is made up of about 300 cities, towns, and counties that call themselves one. These sanctuary cities call themselves so, because they have vowed to protect undocumented immigrants from deportation. They do this by not questioning a person’s immigration status, by […]

Rainy Weather Driving Checklist

It looks like California may be on its way out of a drought. We have seen more rain this year than we have the last few years. With that being said, how up-to-date is your knowledge on driving in wet weather? Do you know the best precautions to take and what tips to follow to […]

How Can I Lower Bail?

Bail is money owed to court in order for a defendant to be released from jail. The amount owed depends on the crime that the defendant is being accused of, any prior criminal record that he or she has, and their financial ability to pay for bail. Bail is set considerably high to encourage the […]

What To Do When Your Loved One Is Arrested

If a loved one of yours is ever arrested, they are going to need you now more than ever. This is the time you need to be the confident best friend or family member you can be. Your loved one is going through a very tough time. What can you do? Offer advice and hope. […]

Fact: Benicia Bail Bond Store Is On Your Side

We will get right to the point, if you or a loved one are ever arrested and thrown into any California jail, Benicia Bail Bond Store can help you. We minimize the stress, cost, time, headaches, and confusion that you have to deal with. What you will need to focus on is yourself and how […]

You And Arbor Bail Bond Store To The Rescue

The thought of your loved one in jail makes you shudder. The image you paint in your head is one of them looking a bit un-kept, wearing unflattering clothing, tired, sad, depressed, bored. Maybe he or she is tough, but what good is that going to do? It is not going to get him or […]

What Happens During Booking?

When you hear that someone is arrested, you will probably hear that they will be booked. What does that mean and what do you need to know about it? Booking occurs right after a person is arrested and taken back to the police station or jail. There are a series of steps in the booking […]

What Happens If I Bail Someone Out Of Jail And They Do Not Show Up For Court?

You definitely do not want that to happen. If you pay for someone’s bail bond and they do not show up for court, you will feel consequences. You will have to pay off the bail, more than you would have paid if they showed up for court, and the collateral you pledged will need to […]

Roadblock In New Year Resolutions? Bethel Island Bail Bond Store Is The Solution!

January has passed and it is time we check in on those New Year Resolutions of yours. How do you think you are doing? We know you are trying to kick your bad habits while also helping loved ones of yours get rid of theirs. Are you making progress, achieving success, or facing mishaps? It […]

Let’s Talk About Sanctuary Cities

The Trump Presidency has brought fear to undocumented immigrants now more than ever. With such debate, many cities in the U.S. have vowed to protect its immigrants, and these cities have declared themselves “sanctuary cities.” Sanctuary cities include: San Francisco, Chicago, Seattle, and New York. An unofficial count identifies approximately 300 U.S. cities, towns and […]

Crimes Defined

The criminal justice system categorizes crimes into one of three groups: infractions, misdemeanors, and felonies. Each category involves a different set of justice system procedures and possible consequences for the accused. If you are worried that the law might eventually catch up to you or a loved one, you can prepare yourself by learning the […]

Fun Facts Are Your Crime Warnings

It’s Fun Facts time! Well, these may be fun facts, but truth-be-told, it might not always be fun, especially when we tell you that these fun facts are all laws that you have probably broken before and didn’t even know. If you still receive mail addressed to the tenant who lived in your apartment before […]

The Talk Of The Town: Tassajara Bail Bond Store

Having a loved one in jail waiting for your help to post their bail is stressful. Having a bail agent you can rely on makes the situation better. In order to find a good bail bondsman, you will want to see what other people have had to say. Tassajara Bail Bond Store is one of […]

Anyone Can Use Bail Bonds – Even Celebrities!

If you think that the only people who use bail bonds to get out of jail are people who are not as well off as others, you are wrong. It does not matter what your household income is, anyone can use bail bonds to post bail, even celebrities. Lindsay Lohan She has had her fair […]

Former Convicts Who Are Now Successful – You May Know Them!

Anyone can tell you that getting arrested is not the worst thing that can happen and that in time, this will be all in the past. However, not everyone can provide concrete evidence of this. It helps to know someone who has been through this and can tell you firsthand that things will be alright. […]