Category Archives: Clayton Bail Bonds

Understanding Weapon Charges in California

Many of the cases that wind their way through the California court system involve weapon charges. While the Constitution gives everyone the right to bear arms, state (and some Federal) laws exist that limit what you can and can’t do with those weapons. If you fail to follow any one of those laws, you could […]

Is Skipping School A Crime?

As a parent, you constantly worry about whether you’re raising your child in a way that will enable them to be an independent, self-sufficient, responsible adult. You know that a big part of this process sometimes involves stepping back and letting them do their own things, especially once they become teenagers. It’s likely you understand […]

Staying Safe While Enjoying Dorm Life

One of the best things about finally going to college and moving into a dorm is that not only are you free of your parent’s strict rules but you’re also in the perfect place to meet people who will become lifelong friends. While there are many perks connected to living in a dorm, there are […]

Dangers of Sharing Prescription Medications

When you hear that someone is suffering from a health problem, especially pain, it’s so easy to reach into your medicine cabinet and pull out whatever prescription you have on hand that you think will help them feel better. The reality is that unless you’re passing out over-the-counter medications, you should squash your urge and […]

Mistakes to Avoid Following a Hit and Run Accident in California

Hit and run accidents are extremely serious. There are several mistakes you should avoid making when it comes to a hit-and-run accident. Fleeing the Scene The biggest mistake you should avoid making is getting involved in a hit-and-run accident. Accidents happen. And while it’s perfectly natural to want to flee the scene and pretend the […]

Getting Caught with Counterfeit Items in California

Getting caught in possession of a counterfeit item in California isn’t a laughing matter. The counterfeit item is considered forgery and can be the reason you spend some time in jail. California lawmakers understand just how much trouble counterfeit items are to the state’s economy. The more counterfeit items there are in circulation, the more […]

What Counts As Forgery In California?

There are a lot of different crimes out here in the state of California. Most people are aware of many of these crimes and know not to commit them. However, there are a few crimes out there that people aren’t always so sure about. For many of these crimes, the only times people hear about […]

Deliberately Damaging a Vehicle in California

In her song, Before He Cheats, Carrie Underwood decided to teach her cheating lover a lesson by destroying his beloved truck. Underwood’s song ends before the consequences of her actions catch up to her. If the song were real life, her actions would have landed her in hot legal water. She would likely have spent […]

Providing False Credit Card Information

There are times when we could all use a little extra money. Adding an additional line of credit to our lives seems like a good way to get it. The problem is that if you’re already overstretched, the credit card companies will likely reject your application. This can prompt some of us to consider providing […]

Degrees of Arson Charges in California

Some states have different degrees of arson charges. The charges are the same as murder charges, with 3rd-degree arson being the least severe charge and first-degree arson carrying the biggest sentence. Things are different in California where there aren’t any varying degrees of arson charges. Instead of separating arson into three different degrees, at some […]

Deprivation of Child Custody or Visitation in California

Once a family has entered into a formal child custody agreement that includes visitation rights, the court system expects both parents to not only adhere to the agreement, but to promptly let one another (and in some cases, the court) know if something happens, such as sickness or an emergency, that could disrupt things. Failing […]

California’s Most Unusual Driving Laws

Every state has a few strange laws that cause people to scratch their heads. California is not an exception. There are three very strange driving laws that could impact you no matter where you are in California. The first odd California driving law is that you aren’t allowed to go faster than 60 miles per […]

What Is Negligence In California?

What Is Negligence In California?

For the most part, you only hear the word negligence used in civil court cases where the plaintiff is trying to convince a judge that had the defendant not been negligent in some way, the accident could have been avoided. While most negligence cases go through California’s civil courts, there are some cases of criminal […]

How Do Statutes Of Limitations Work In California?

How Do Statutes Of Limitations Work In California?

Investopedia defines statute of limitation as: “a law that sets the maximum amount of time that parties involved in a dispute have to initiate legal proceedings from the date of an alleged offense, whether civil or criminal. The length of time the statute allows for a victim to bring legal action against the suspected wrong-doer […]

Are You Being Gaslighted?

Are You Being Gaslighted?

Gaslighting is a phrase we hear more and more of lately. While we’re all becoming familiar with the term and know that it’s not a good thing, many of us still aren’t entirely sure what gaslighting is or how to recognize if we’re a victim of it. The best way to explain gaslighting is that […]

How To Report A Missing Person

How To Report A Missing Person

There is nothing funny about having a friend or family member fail to be where you expect them to be. The problem becomes even worse when you are unable to contact them via a cell phone call. Many people who are in this situation mistakenly believe that their loved one must be missing for a […]

How To Clear Your Criminal Record

How To Clear Your Criminal Record

Having a criminal record adversely impacts your life. Depending on the severity of the convictions, your criminal record can make it difficult for you to find housing, establish relationships and secure some jobs. The fact that you’re living in the technological age where anyone with internet access has the ability to locate your criminal history […]

Is A Public Defender The Right Choice For You?

Is A Public Defender The Right Choice For You?

One of the great things about the way our justice system is set up is that everyone is entitled to legal representation. That means that no matter what your financial situation is, you don’t have to worry about navigating the criminal charges that have been filed against you by yourself. If you can afford a […]

Do You Have To Get Your Dog Or Cat Sterilized In California?

Do You Have To Get Your Dog Or Cat Sterilized In California?

For many of us, our dogs/cats are an important part of our family. We can’t imagine life without them. What you might not know is that if own a dog or cat in California, there are some spay/neuter rules you should be aware of. At some point, California lawmakers, many of whom are pet lovers […]

Parental Kidnapping

Parental Kidnapping

Most people worry about the possibility of their child being kidnapped from the park or shopping mall. While these things do happen, most kidnapping cases don’t involve strangers but are actually parental kidnappings. According to Safe, at Last, more than 90% of all reported kidnappings are the result of parental kidnapping. The U.S. Department of […]